Investment project «Port Vera»

Constraction project of marine bulk oil cargoes MT "Port Vera" in the area of small Adzhalyikskiy firth 

Marine terminal of bulk cargoes

Growing interest in energy products in the world, the need to diversify sources and the uninterrupted transportation of oil through pipelines to the countries of Western Europe, create conditions for increasing the share of oil and petroleum product delivery by sea from ports and to ports of Ukraine through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits to the Mediterranean ports and father. 

Ukraine's maritime trade ports located in the North-Western part of the Black Sea carry out large-scale operations on export-import transportation of oil and oil products (fuel oil, diesel fuel and others) at existing specialized oil terminals.

The largest operating oil and gas terminal in Ukraine 

The largest operating oil and gas terminal in Ukraine is located in the oil port of the port of Odessa, but the most promising point for organizing additional capacity is the port "Yuzhny", located 35 km east of Odessa.The visits of large tankers with a carrying capacity of over 80,000 tons to the oil terminal of the SE "Odessa Commercial Sea Port" are limited by the existing depths on approaches and in the water area (at berths up to 12.5 m).The increase in depth to 17-18 m is practically not realistic. In the oil port of the port "Yuzhny", the Pivdennyi sea oil terminal with a berth depth of 18.5 m, which processes tankers with carrying capacity up to 150 thousand tons, operates.

To justify the feasibility and technical feasibility of building a new oil terminal in the vicinity of the Yuzhny port, the Port Vera project attracted Transsystems (USA).American experts conducted studies on the prospects of construction and developed a master plan for a new offshore terminal for oil bulk cargo.

Justification of the construction of the offshore oil complex "Port Vera" in the area of the village of Yuzhny

     The construction of the offshore oil complex Port Vera in the area of the port of Yuzhny is intended for:

- Reception of high-hardening oils (previously Caspian) and petroleum products from railway transport to reservoirs;

- storage of oil and oil products in the tank farm.

-pouring in tankers oil and oil products.

    In this area there is a marine oil terminal "Pivdenny", which belongs to JSC "Ukrtransneft".The purpose of this terminal is the reception (loading) of low viscosity (non-solidifying) oils from tankers with deadweight of 80-100 tons of ton, storage in a tank farm, pumping oil through the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline (including the reverse). Power MNT "Pivdenny" - 9 million tons per year.

     Existing facilities allow to take only low-hardening oil through a pipe, pouring (reception) from sea transport.The composition of technological structures includes:

- a tank farm with a capacity of 200 thousand m3 (10 tanks of 20 thousand m3 each with a floating roof);-pump shop number 1;

-Support pumping station;-block of filters;

- a platform with control valves;

- technological pipelines;

- landing of ZN;

-blocking pipelines with the SOD unit;

-cleaning facilities;

-objects of energy, fire, water, gas, and supply;

- External and internal engineering structures. 


     For transshipment of highly refractory oils, this terminal is not technically prepared and for the possibility of performing operational activities it is necessary to build the following facilities and structures:

-Reconstruction, expansion and new construction of railway tracks at the station. Chernomorskaya, st. Coastal, leading the way to the railway overpass;

-2 double-sided railway overpass for oil drainage (60 and 30 railcar-wagons);

- Reservoir park with a volume of 250-280 thousand m3. (Aboveground vertical tanks with a fixed roof, heaters and thermal insulation of 10, 20 or 30 thousand m3 each);

- Pumping shop for high-hardening oil;-ULC;-plate of heat exchangers;

- a drainage tank site;

- Thermal oil boiler house;-operative or commercial accounting unit;

- Coastal berth or raid dock (spot loading);

- construction of tanks with thermal insulation and heaters;

- transformer substation 110/10 kV;-characteristic number. 6-8;-operator;-cleaning facilities;

-fire depot for 2 cars;

- sewage pumping station of fire extinguishing;

-Sewage pumping station of domestic sewage;

- sewage pumping station of rainwater;

-diesel power station;

-network engineering;

-administrative-household building with parking;

- a block of electrical rooms.

     Given the high requirements for environmental protection, the requirements for the operation of similar oil terminals in the EU countries (in accordance with the laws adopted, the operation of similar facilities is prohibited without the installation of ULF) and the United States, and in order to reduce oil costs and reduce emissions of petroleum products into the atmosphere, Port Vera "will be equipped with the system ULF.
 The ULF process is based on the latest technology, namely adsorption through activated carbon and desorption by vacuum, absorption of stripped vapor in countercurrent fluid..

     Thus, for the implementation of technological operations with high-viscosity products it is impossible to technologically use the existing Pivdenny terminal, but it is necessary to build a new terminal.
About 50-60 hectares of land are needed to build a new oil complex. Taking into account the expansion of the assortment of oil products or the volume of transshipment for the future, 15-20 hectares of land are still needed for permanent use.
Before the start of construction, it is necessary to develop a feasibility study or a project. The developed documentation must undergo a comprehensive state expertise in the Central Service of Ukrinvestexpertiza.

A brief description of a single-point harbor berth


The construction of this structure includes:
- Underwater pipeline with a diameter of 1020 mm from the single-point SALM berth to the point of docking with interlocking pipelines with a length of 3.4 - 4.5 km;
A one-point raid berth of the SALM type. The SALM berth consists of a steel cylindrical buoy 15-17 m high and 5 m in diameter anchored on one rigid chain of increased strength, fixed on a base that is anchored to the bottom.
The use of single-point SALM berths for loading (unloading) tankers has several advantages, namely:
 -SALM can function effectively in a storm and is not sensitive to changes in wind, waves or currents;
 -SALM can easily be transported and installed in the roadstead at natural depths, which are sufficient for mooring tankers of any size;
 -SALM reduces the functional dependence on supply vessels that connect hoses and the work of other vessels in the port of Yuzhny;
 -SALM shortens the tanker handling cycle;
 -SALM is simple, tested and extremely durable, which requires little maintenance and works even in an unfavorable environment;
 -application of new production and operation technologies of hose devices that will, in emergency mode, automatically and instantaneously disconnect from the tanker, avoiding any spills of oil at sea;
 - Relatively low operating costs.
     The construction of a single-point harbor berth provides an opportunity to receive tankers deadweight from 80 thousand tons to 150 thousand tons.
 Economic efficiency compared to the sea transport of a 60,000 ton deadweight tanker, for example, transportation on the Novorossiysk (Novozernoye) -Odessa section is 6.3 thousand for 80 thousand tons, for 100 thousand tons, for 10.5% For 150 thousand tons. 14.9%.

Existing railway tracks

The purpose of land is the maintenance of commodity agricultural production.
 Through the site, to the reloading oil pumping station, passes the pipeline NNT "Pivdenniy" and also water, sewage, high voltage cable and communication cable.

The plot borders:
- with the road passing to the port of Yuzhny from the front, (242m);
- with the oil terminal "Pivdenniy";
- from the rear side of the site adjoins the exhaust path of the port "Yuzhiy".

In the year 2003 The stage of preliminary approval of the construction site on the lands of OOO" Energo Product-2" of the oil terminal was completed.
Obtained consent:
- Sichava village council.
-Kominternovsky District State Administration.
-The order was taken by the Odessa State Administration.
- confirmed by the decision of the Odessa Regional Council.

Project Status

Odessa Regional State Administration of materials, in accordance with the established procedure, are directed to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
In 2004, the Institute of Oil Transport OJSC developed a technical and economic proposal for the construction of an offshore oil transshipment complex.
¨In 2005, the ChernomorNIIIProekt Institute developed a technical and economic assessment of the oil terminal construction.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and private investors repeatedly considered the site for the construction of a high-purity refinery, as well as for the construction of an LNG terminal.
The development of the project was suspended due to the political and economic situation in Ukraine, as well as due to the fact that in 2008, The Government of Ukraine imposed a moratorium on changing the purpose of agricultural land.

Materials and proposals of the project "Port Vera"

On the development of the port complex and railway transport in 2004 were sent to the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Cabinet of Ministers and the President of Ukraine.
In 2005, the state Ukrainian institute "Chernomorniiproekt" with the involvement of OOO "Transproekt" developed extended pre-project technical proposals "Technical and Economic Assessment (Feasibility Study) for the construction of a sea terminal for oil cargoes of the Port Vera oil tanker in the area of ​​the M.Ajalyk estuary."
Two variants of cargo handling have been considered in the completed workings: reloading only crude oil in the volume of up to 10 million tons per year and crude oil + oil products in the volume of up to 11 million tons per year.
¨The berthing front layout also provides for two options:
- inside the closed water area of ​​the estuary;
- on an external roadstead in the sea at a distance of 5 km from the shore.
The offshore location provides for the possibility of laying an underwater pipeline, a dolphin, a SALM berth, and a barrel parking lot. At the berths equipment is installed, which allows working in direct and reverse modes.